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The East Asian Journal of British History

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Vol. 1

March 2011

Vol. 2

March 2012

Vol. 3

March 2013

Vol. 4

March 2014

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vol 8.PNG

Vol. 5

March 2016

Vol. 6

July 2017

Vol. 7

September 2019

Vol. 8

April 2021

Journal: 講演者

Call for Papers

The East Asian Journal of British History is an annual journal published in English by The East Asian Society of British History on topics related to the British Isles. The purpose of the journal is to promote scholarly dialogue among historians and scholars on Britain and its history. The East Asian Society of British History invites scholars to contribute articles, reviews and texts, and studies series.

Journal: 画像


  1. The East Asian Journal of British History welcomes submission of scholarly articles on the history of the British Isles. A copy of the manuscript should be submitted to the editorial board by email at

  2. The editors of the EAJBH seek articles that provide new contents and perspectives and make a fresh contribution to historical knowledge. Our principal consideration in determining whether an article should be published is its appropriateness to the readership of the EAJBH.

  3. No manuscript will be considered for publication if it is concurrently considered by another journal or if it has been published or is soon to be published elsewhere.

  4. All articles will be refereed, with the final decision made by the editorial board.

  5. Contributors are requested to follow the Style Guidelines given below.

  6. Copyright of the articles, reviews and texts, and studies series remain with the EASBH.

cf. Style Guidelines

Journal: テキスト



The East Asian Journal of British History, vol. 8 (2021)に掲載した赤見友子(Tomoko Akami)氏による書評につきまして、p. 74の第2段落を以下のように訂正いたします。オンライン版のPDFはすでに修正いたしております。読者の皆様に深くお詫び申し上げます。

Although she has published in English as well, including Japan and Britain in Shanghai, 1925–31 (Palgrave Macmillan, 1995), the current book, The League of Nations and the East Asian Imperial Order, 1920–1946 (2020), is her well-awaited monograph on the League in English. It makes her valuable past and present works on the League in East Asia available to non-Japanese reading scholars. For those who are familiar with her works in Japanese, the book shows how she locates her works in the recent scholarship on the League (and the United Nations) more broadly. Below, I hope to illuminate this latter aspect as well.

Journal: テキスト
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